CEIPES is a non-profit European organization with antennas in more than 8 European countries. CEIPES’ work is inspired by the principles and values of peace and nonviolence, equality in diversity, human rights, democracy and active participation, respect for the environment, cooperation, communication, solidarity, social inclusion, respect, tolerance and interculturality. CEIPES works at local, European and international level with more than 40 organisations and public bodies that work in synergy to reach identical goals. At local level CEIPES coordinates the CEIPES Network, which is based in Sicily and counts more than 20 organisations as well as public and private bodies.
The main purpose of CEIPES is to promote the Education and Development of young people and adults through activities in education, training, culture, nonviolence, interculturality, solidarity, human rights, active citizenship, international cooperation, and promote services thus contributing to human and civil growth at individual, community and world levels.

-CEIPES is divided into different sectors, each one developing specific projects with the support of professional intervention teams. Each sector is coordinated by a responsible that pays great attention to the quality of the service and activities carried out.
-The staff of the CEIPES is composed of many professional experts with different competences in several sectors such as psychology, communication, formation, international cooperation, social and cultural mediation, social assistance, informatics and law.
– The association relies on the collaboration of more than 25, mostly young, people who are also specialised in the above sectors, and who work in CEIPES’s activities.
Vision and Mission: CEIPES is active in the field of social and human development that works through education and training for a world of peace and equality in order to guarantee the fulfilment of the universal human rights.
The mission of CEIPES is to foster and support the sustainable development of local communities and individuals’ empowerment through education and training, human rights and international cooperation.

1. To promote education and development for all the people at any age as a tool to foster individual and collective grow.
2. To promote lifelong learning, vocational training and entrepreneurship with the aim of enhancing opportunities for youth and adults to improve and acquire competences and therefore boost their employability and inclusion.
5. To improve methodologies, develop innovative strategies and tools in the field of youth, education and training through active international cooperation, study and research.
7. To conduct international cooperation projects.

The territory of Sicily and Palermo are characterized by a high school dropout, bulliying in the school, a lack of information centers and meeting place for young people, a low participation in social and political life, a high level of unemployment, a high rate of violence among young people, a high immigration and a system where equal opportunities are difficult to implement, among other aspects, such as geographical isolation resulting in the fact of being an island and the mafia, which operates in the territory from various lapses corrode growth and development.


Country : Italy
Name of the institution : CEIPES – Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell’Educazione e lo Sviluppo
Address : Via G. La Farina, 21 – 90141 Palermo, Italia
Contact person : Fulvio Grassadonio
Telephone : +390917848236
Email : fulvio.grassadonio@ceipes.org
Web : www.ceipes.org

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