About the Project

AIMS AND TARGET SWING (Signs for Work INclusion Gain), it’s a project supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program (Key Action 2, Strategic partnership for the innovation and the exchange of best practices) in field of VET (Vocational Education and Training). The project aims to support hearing-impaired people at the workplace by developing a Sign Language Dictionary on Technical Terms for jobs in the field of furniture, cooking and tourism. An application will be developed containing the dictionaries with short videos for each technical term. After extensive field trials on site, the corresponding dictionaries will be developed with the most common technical terms in this professional field. They will be accessible by PC but also by mobile devices for on-demand usage “on the job” in the daily working environments by managers and colleagues as a communication tool with people with hearing impairment. Furthermore, it will be possible for hearing managers and colleagues to pro-actively learn the technical terms in Sign Language. It is expected that these signs will gradually be incorporated into the learners’ communication and the use of this tool will decrease when their objective is accomplished. CONSORTIUM Swing brings together 5 partners from 4 different countries: Italy, Spain, Germany and Hungary with complementary skills and with necessary background. The coordinator is FEDERSID, Italian Social Federation for the disability which have the objective to promote, support and implement measures to counter the social problems and assist people with some disadvantages. In addition to coordinator, the partnership is formed by: 1- University of Erlangen with their Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI) who develops and adapts flexible and mobile learning systems for optimizing learning process. 2-CETEM, which is a research center in furniture who has made several projects related with the improvement of employability of people with disability. 3- Munka-kor Alapitvany for the hearing-impaired people (Hungary): who are get used to prepare people with hearing impairment for work environment and they are experts in sign language. 4- CEIPES, International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development, who is present in 8 European countries and experts in training. GOALS: In order to be clearer about the project, in the over mentioned 3 sectors, the project will be focused in achieve three important results: – Directory with words, expressions, actions that it has to be necessary for a suitable communication with people with hearing impairments. In this case, it will be 150 words/expressions in each sector that it will be collected n real work environments – Video-dictionary of selected words, expression, actions in different sign languages with videos. It will be created a platform where it can be consulted different conections between languages, 5 spoken languages: English, Italian, Spanish, German and Hungarian and 4 sign languages: Italian Sign Language (LIS), Spanish Sign Language (LSE), German Sign Language (DGS) and Hungarian Sign Language. Apart of the word, it will be available explanations in sign language and other important information – Creation of a sign language training mobile application for work environments. This app will be used directly in work environment to learn sign language and communicate with people with hearing impairment. Pilot is included to improve the application This results will be achieved in 30 months. This results will be open access and the partners will ensure that free access for the public to the whole material with the publication in different open platforms but with the sustainability of this information in the own project website

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