Tuesday and Wednesday, 28th and 29th December, Ceipes and Federsid organized the Kick off Meeting that launched the beginning of a new exciting Erasmus Plus project, KA2, Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Best Practices. “Swing” (this is the name of the project, standing for Signs for Work Inclusion Gain) aims to create a sign dictionary in the field of vocational training for people with hearing impairment.  The wider objective of the project is to facilitate the integration of people with hearing problems, to improve the communication in the work-place and suppressing communication barriers. The Consortium is made up, beyond Ceipes and Federsid (as coordinator) by Cetem association (Spain); the Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen Nuernberg (Germany) and the Fondation Munka-Kör Alapítvány (Hungary). Each partner will focus on a specific professional field (including tourism; cooking and carpentry) and therefore they will develop the dictionaries of the specific terms in each sector.

Beyond representing the first meeting of the Consortium, the meeting allowed to get through the steps and passages of the project, the assignment of the tasks and intellectual outputs and schedule of the next deadlines. Moreover, at the end of the morning and afternoon sessions, some visits have been organized to local stakeholders (such as the National Association of Deaf People; the Vocational School “P.Piazza” and the “Social Tailoring Shop”) working for the social and professional integration of people with special needs.

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