The third Transnational Meeting of Swing 2.0 Project was held on 17-18 May 2022 in Fürth – Nuremberg.

This meeting, hosted by ILI-FAU, allowed the consortium to meet for the first time in presence.

The main aim of SWING 2.0 is facilitate, with innovative and free tools, the acquisition of basic sign language in different work environments where its use could enhance the integration of deaf community at different levels.

Currently the consortium is about to finish IO1 “Final reports with most useful words to facilitate the communication with people with hearing problems in different important situations / job positions” and has just started developing IO2 “Video – dictionaries and other features of selected words in 5 sign languages ​​and 4 spoken languages ​​”.

During the two days of meeting, the Partners of the Swing 2.0 project discussed the development of 5 reports and 100 selected words. For each sector – tour guides, health staff, civil servant and salespeople – the words that will make up the video dictionary in five sign languages ​​have been finally identified.

This great result was achieved through a complex field research process – carried out in Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria – which included: observations in the real environment; interviews with different target groups; round tables and simulations. All these activities were actively attended by sign language interpreters, deaf or hearing-impaired people and professionals from several sectors.

Now the Consortium is finally ready to start recording in different sign languages 5000 videos, ​​these contents will make up the SWING 2.0 dictionaries and the learning system surrounding them.

This Transnational Project Meeting was an important occasion of sharing and discussion that strengthened the already solid cooperation between the partners.

Learn more about the project Swing 2.0 Facebook , LinkedIn and Twitter pages!

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