The 4th Transnational Meeting of Swing 2.0 Project was held on 1 and 2 December 2022 in Klagenfurt, Austria. This meeting, hosted by Klagenfurt University, allowed the consortium to plan next steps and final actions of the project.

The main goal of SWING 2.0 is support, with innovative and free tools, the acquisition of sign language in different work sectors – specifically tour guides, health staff, civil servant, waiters and salespeople – in which its use could support the work inclusion of people with hearing problems.

After the effective conclusion of IO1 “Final reports with most useful words to facilitate the communication with people with hearing problems in different important situations / job positions” the SWING 2.0 Consortium is about to complete and finalise IO2 “Video – dictionaries and other features of selected words in 5 sign languages ​​and 4 spoken languages ​​”.

The Swing 2.0 consortium is recording 5000 videos in 5 sign languages (IS, LIS, LSE, DGS and ÖGS) in the 4 partner countries – Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria – with the support of experienced sign language experts.

​These contents will make up the SWING 2.0 video dictionaries as well the learning system surrounding them.

During the two days of meeting was also presented the IO3 “Innovative training course with practical activities to learn 5 sign languages in 5 work environments”.

Indeed, the innovative structure of the SWING 2.0 mobile app and the simulations of situations in real working environments that will be developed by the partners in the coming months were defined by Swing 2.0 partners.

This Transnational Project Meeting has strengthened the already solid cooperation between the partners. SWING 2.0 will end in May 2023 with the final conference to be held in Rome, hosted by ISSR, the place where the Italian sign language was born.

To learn more about the project visit and follow its Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages!

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