Swing 2.0: the second transnational meeting

Swing 2.0: the second transnational meeting

The 2nd Transnational Meeting of Swing 2.0 Project was held on 12 January 2022.

The meeting took place online, in compliance with the Covid-19 regulations.

The main aim of SWING 2.0 is following the steps of the successful SWING project and facilitate, with innovative and free tools, the acquisition of basic sign language in different work environments where its use could enhance the integration of deaf community. During the meeting all partners had the possibility to briefly present the results of the first steps in relation to IO1 “Final reports with most useful words to facilitate the communication with people with hearing problems in different important situations/job positions”.

The consortium is currently carrying out several interviews with translators, professionals and hearing-impaired people. In order to promote the success of the SWING 2.0 project, it is an essential goal of the project team to use the expertise, knowledge and interests of personnel from the job positions of Civil Servants, Health Staff, Waiters, Salespeople and Tour Guides. Interviews are conducted to ensure that the materials to be developed (i.e., the sign language video dictionaries and the learning system surrounding them) are relevant and useful for being used in those job positions.

It was a very important occasion of sharing and discussion that strengthened the already solid cooperation between the partners.

Do not miss any update about the project on Swing 2.0 Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages.

A huge success for SWING, winner of 2020 European Language Label

A huge success for SWING, winner of 2020 European Language Label

Another huge success for the SWING project. On Monday 21 December 2021, SWING – Sign for Inclusion Gain project (ended in May 2020) received the European Language Label 2020 in the vocational training sector, during the award ceremony in Rome.

The ceremony was full of testimonies: some Italian Minister, the mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri and Christian Greco, director of the Egyptian Museum in Turin, kicked off the event. Also, the National Agencies intervened for the Erasmus + 2021/2027 program. During the afternoon, the Erasmus+ quality projects were awarded, including Swing project.

CEIPES President, Musa Kirkar, and Rita Ascarini, financial manager, took part in the award ceremony, held at the Sala Protomoteca in Campidoglio (Rome). Maria T. De Monte and Manuel Muzzurru from the State Institute for the Deaf in Rome (ISSR) accompanied them. Manuel is a video editing technician with hearing problems who has been collaborating with ISSR since 2009. He entertained the audience by talking about his experience with European Erasmus+ projects and his involvement during the implementation of Swing project. Manuel is also actively participating in the research and video editing phases of the new Swing 2.0 project, a follow-up born from the enormous success of Swing.

SWING project was therefore awarded the European Language Label by virtue of the added value to the existing training offer and for the focus on the professional inclusion of members of a group at risk of exclusion, such as the deaf community. The results of SWING project are in fact accessible to all and facilitate communication between employers, hearing workers and deaf workers.

After the great success of the SWING project, we’re back with SWING 2.0 the new project for the sign language

After the great success of the SWING project, we’re back with SWING 2.0 the new project for the sign language

On 3th and 4th of December 2020 thanks to an online conference due to COVID-19, took place kick off meeting of our brand new KA2 project SWING 2.0.

One of the major barriers for Deaf people or with hearing loss is the lack of recognition, acceptance and use of sign language in all areas of life as well as lack of respect for Deaf People’s cultural and linguistical identity.

This leads to marginalization of them in different aspects of life. In fact, there are a wide range of professionals who are interacting directly with deaf people, such as health workers, civil servants or other like salesman, waiters, or tour guides which could need a specific training in basic sign language tailored to their necessities to facilitate some services and full integration of deaf collective, even as workmates, increasing their job opportunities.

The intention of SWING 2.0 is following the steps of the successful SWING project and facilitate, with innovative and free own developed tools, the acquisition and use of basic sign language in different work environments where its use could enhance the integration of deaf community at different levels.

Specifically, the expected results of the project are:

Final reports with most useful words to facilitate the communication with people with hearing problems in different important situations/job positions

Video-dictionaries and other features of selected words in 5 sign languages and 4 spoken languages

Innovative training course with practical activities to learn 5 sign languages (IS, LIS, LSE, DGS and ÖGS) in 5 work environments

The kick-off meeting was a great occasion to present the partners of the consortium and also to talk about the first steps of the project. The consortium is also working on the visual identity of the project and on the creation of the social media channels.

Do not miss any update by following our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter

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