Directories with words: reports published!

Directories with words: reports published!

SWING project consortium is glad to inform you all that the 3 reports of the Intellectual Output 1: “Directory with words, expressions, actions that it has to be necessary for a suitable communication with people with hearing impairments in 3 different work environments”, has been published in the “publications” section of this website.

You can have a direct access from this link—>

The output aim was to make a list of 150 words per each work field (450 in total), but in order to achieve these results, different activities have been carried out:

1) Design of the Methodology and Identificaton of the work situations to be studied
2) Observation of the work situation in several selected companies  in Italy, Spain, Germany and Hungary: creation of a first draft of words list.
3) Interviews to people with and without hearing impariments to receive feedback about the draft list.
4) Mock conversation: a role playing activity aimed to receive more feedback about the word list.
5) Creation o the final list of 150 word per sector.

The final words lists and the reports that describe all those mentioned activities are available at the following links:

III° Transnational Meeting in Yecla (Spain)

III° Transnational Meeting in Yecla (Spain)

SWING project is going very well!

On 10th and 11th April 2019 it took place in Yecla, in the headquarter of the Spanish partner, CETEM, the 3rd Transnational Meeting. All the partners have been involved in the checking of the work done so far and in the scheduling of the next steps to do in the following phases.

SWING project is aimed to create a dictionary of 4 sign language (Italian, Spanish, German and Hungarian), usable and accessible for all, through a web platform and a mobile app.

The partners involved in the consortium of this ERASMUS+ project are: the coordinator of the project, FEDERSID (Italy), CEIPES (Italy), CETEM (Spain), ILI (Germany) and Munka-KörAlapítvány (Hungary).

Following the schedule, we just passed the middle of the platform development: the leader of this activity is CETEM and for the designing of the mobile app, the output leader is ILI.

These meeting days have been very productive and the partners had the opportunity to verify that the work is proceeding successfully. The good relation and the great collaboration between the partners play for sure an important role in the ambitious achievement of the relevant objectives.

We are sure that the the work can be follow in this direction!

Keep following us on our website and on the social network pages for more information and for the next news about the project:

Facebook Page
Twitter Page

SWING presented at the Erasmus+ Infoday in Rome

SWING presented at the Erasmus+ Infoday in Rome

An incredible visibility for SWING project!

The Italian Erasmus+ national agecy INAPP (Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche) has invited FEDERSID, the coordinator and applicant of the project, to present the project at the Infoday for the project management and invite to submit new proposal for 2019. This event took place in Rome on 7th of November.
During this event, Laura Granvillano, coordinator of the project, has showed the aims, the activities carried out and the future goals related with SWING project to an audience composed by more than 100 people, among VET teachers, trainers and project managers.

If you are interested to the contents about this infoday please check this link (all the contents are in italian).

Stay tuned for further news!

II Transnational Meeting in Budapest

II Transnational Meeting in Budapest

The 2nd transnational Meeting of Swing project took place in Budapest on 18th and 19th of July 2018. All the partner organizations took part of this amazing moment in which they could discuss about the activities carried out in these first 9 months of the Project.

Federsid, CETEM, CEIPES and ILI partners has been hosted by Munka-Kor association, which arranged the meeting in the beautiful capital of Hungary.

Partners has discussed about the list of words that will compose the final video-dictionary and it was possible to see already how this final output will be.

The presence of a Hungarian Sign Language translator has allowed people with hearing impairment to attend the meeting.
An hard work is waiting for our partners that are going to meet again in Yecla (Spain) on April 2019.

For further news and updates, stay tuned to our website and our facebook page.

More than 40 enterprises observed!!

More than 40 enterprises observed!!

A great result of SWING project team. More than 40 enterprises have been observed for collecting the 150 words necessary to the development of the Video-dictionary in Sign Language.
The enterprises belong to 3 main work environment, related to:

  • Tourism
  • Forniture
  • Cooking

Hotels, tour operators, forniture designer enterprises and restaurants employers have been observed among Hungary, Italy, Germany and Spain to collect the necessary words, thanks to the work of our 5 organization partners.

Stay tuned! Follow our website and facebook page for all project updates and results!

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